Emblemas e Patches de Uniforme

JIAN has more than 30-year experiences produce custom or standard remendos uniformes and emblems, which are made from only the finest materials, which mean you’ll want to wear them proudly. JIAN has more than 30-year experiences produce custom or standard remendos uniformes and emblems, which are made from only the finest materials, which mean you’ll want to wear them proudly.

Os civis e membros das forças armadas usaram remendos em seus uniformes para denotar sua profissão, patente ou a seção a que pertencem. Quando se trata de uniformes de trabalho, esses remendos geralmente estão localizados na frente do uniforme ou no ombro. Quando se trata de ramos militares como o Exército, Marinha, Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais, Guarda Nacional e muito mais, os patches geralmente podem ser encontrados na frente do uniforme, no braço e/ou no boné.

Whether you’re a firefighter, a police officer, part of a security personnel, a member of the military, or in another profession that uses remendos uniformes, we can manufacture your custom design with embroidered, woven, and dye sublimated patch types, which allows you to choose the look you want and the amount of detail you need.